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This Page is City of Hawthorne Documents - Set # 5 - Cont'd
Rosecrans / Hindry Cameras Not Justified - Continued

New 11-14-04

Here are the six pages that do not contain accidents caused by drivers turning left or right.  The other three pages of the SWITRS report are at:  Hawthorne Documents - Set # 5. 

 (SWITRS - Statewide Integrated Traffic Records System - reports, are provided to cities and individual citizens, at no cost, by the Information Services Unit of the CHP.  If you want a report for an intersection in your neighborhood, go to their website at
Please note, however, that SWITRS will automatically send the City a copy of whatever they have provided to you.)

To keep the reports as compact as possible, SWITRS employs code letters and numbers.  Some of those codes are:
Party:  If an "F" appears after the party number, this is the party indicated by the officer as at fault.
Sobriety1:  HNBD = had not been drinking.  IMP UNK = impairment not checked or known.
Dir:  Direction of travel.
SW:  A = passenger car.  D =  pickup or panel truck.  L = bicycle.  N = pedestrian.
OAF1 & 2 (Other Associated Factors):  A, B, C = VC section violation.  E = vision obscurement.  F = inattention.  G = stop and go traffic.  L = uninvolved vehicle.  M = other.  N = none apparent.  O = runaway vehicle.
Ejected:  0 = not ejected.  3 = unknown.


Pages 3 and 4 are at:  Hawthorne Documents - Set  # 5.

Page 8
is at:  Hawthorne Documents - Set  # 5.


The other three pages of the 1994 - 2004 SWITRS report are at:  Hawthorne Documents - Set  # 5.
