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Annual Reports (Required by CVC 21455.5(i) )

Senate Bill 1303 of 2012 required camera vendors to file an annual report.  Among other things, the reports are required to break down the quantity of citations issued into straight, right, and left.  SB 1303 was codified as CVC 21455.5(i), which says:

(i) A manufacturer or supplier that operates an automated traffic enforcement system pursuant to this section shall, in cooperation with the governmental agency, submit an annual report to the Judicial Council that includes, but is not limited to, all of the following information if this information is in the possession of, or readily available to, the manufacturer or supplier:

(1) The number of alleged violations captured by the systems they operate.

(2) The number of citations issued by a law enforcement agency based on information collected from the automated traffic enforcement system.

(3) For citations identified in paragraph (2), the number of violations that involved traveling straight through the intersection, turning right, and turning left.

(4) The number and percentage of citations that are dismissed by the court.

(5) The number of traffic collisions at each intersection that occurred prior to, and after the installation of, the automated traffic enforcement system.

Reports for Calendar Year 2013

On Aug. 12, 2014 RedFlex sent 38 reports to the Judicial Council.  Those reports covered those RedFlex clients whose programs were active throughout 2013 but did not cover the clients whose programs closed during 2013.

Reports for Calendar Year 2014

By July 31, 2015 we had received most cities' reports for 2014.  

Reports for Calendar Year 2015

By Sept. 6, 2017 we had received 2015 reports from 39 citiesBeverly Hills,
Los Angeles MTA, and West Hollywood had not yet filed a report.  Only five cities
collision counts (in the reports for 2014, 23 cities provided collision counts).  Cathedral City, Cerritos, Millbrae and San Francisco filed a report but did not provide the required breakout by movement (straight, right, left). wrote to the Judicial Council asking if it would ask the cities for the
missing reports and missing accident information.  The Judicial Council replied that they will not.

Reports for Calendar Year 2016

By Sept. 24, 2017 we had received 2016 reports from most cities
As of Aug. 21, 2018 Beverly Hills had not yet provided a 2016 report. 
Cathedral City filed a report but did not provide the required breakout by movement (straight, right, left).  Capitola initially filed a report without a breakout by movement, but in March 2018 they provided a report with the breakout.  In May 2018 we received a 2016 report from the LA MTA.  Also in May 2018 we received an interesting report from the City of San Francisco, but it did not include the required breakout by movement.   Only thirteen cities provided before-and-after collision counts. 

Reports for Calendar Year 2017

Most cities have filed their 2017 reports.
As of May 2019 Beverly Hills, Millbrae, San Francisco and West Hollywood had not filed a report.
Only ten cities provided both before and after collision counts.
Four cities provided either before or after counts, but not both!

Reports for Calendar Year 2018

Most cities have filed their 2018 reports.
As of October 2019 San Francisco (a Xerox/Conduent customer until the end of 2018) and West Hollywood (a Gatso customer) had not filed an annual report, while ATS/Verra customer Millbrae filed a report but did not provide the required breakout by movement (straight, right, left).
Only eleven cities provided complete collision counts (both before and after) and five of the eleven showed no significant reduction in collisions:  Bakersfield, Citrus Heights, Culver City, Del Mar and Rancho Cordova.
  Four cities provided either before or after counts, but not both!

Reports for Calendar Year 2019

Most cities have filed their 2019 reports.
As of early June 2020 West Hollywood (a Gatso customer until the City terminated the program in early 2020) had not filed an annual report, while Conduent customer Beverly Hills and ATS/Verra customers Covina, Millbrae and Salinas filed reports but did not provide the required breakout by movement (straight, right, left).
Only twelve cities provided complete collision counts (both before and after) and five of the twelve
showed no significant reduction in collisions:  Bakersfield, Culver City, Del Mar (got worse!), San Francisco and San Leandro.
  Three cities provided either before or after counts, but not both!  

Other Reports

To see the other types of reports - mostly monthly - that are available from cities, see this page.
