FAQ Section
FAQ # 6
Red Light Camera
Alternatives to Cameras
(Engineering Countermeasures)
Updated 10-21-16
Question: Engineers who have studied red light
running - those who do not stand to gain financially
from the use of red light cameras - suggest that
cities try alternatives to
cameras (also known as engineering
countermeasures) before installing cameras. Why
is that, and what are the alternatives?
Part (A) of Answer: Why is that?
Every city has one or more traffic engineers
working for it, and they read the literature about
the countermeasures against running, so you'd think
that it would not be necessary for outsiders to
intervene and press for countermeasures to be
installed. Yet it is.
It could be about money. Some countermeasures
cost money to install and maintain, while cameras
are installed "for free," and can make money.
Here is acknowledgment of the Industry's
concern that at intersections with countermeasures,
there will not be enough violations to make the
system pay.
After traffic engineers in the City of Oakland
added one second to their yellows, the resulting
drop in ticket revenue sparked a four-month battle
between the engineers and the police.
Unfortunately, the engineers (and the public)
lost, and the yellows were shortened.
Internal documents
from the City of San Diego showed numerous
intersections rejected as camera sites, with the
notation, "long yellow - vio(lation) volume not
Or it could be the novelty of the cameras.
Police like to have all the latest technology, and
city councilmembers, not wanting to be depicted as
"soft on crime," are reluctant to deny any request
made by their police force.
If you want to find out if your city studied or
applied countermeasures at the intersection where
you were ticketed, ask them about it, via a public
records request. Or, you could ask the city
council to stencil "signal ahead" on the pavement
near their top ten most dangerous intersections, and
see how they react.
Part (B) of Answer: What are the Alternatives?
1. One alternative is to lengthen the yellow
light, which is known to dramatically reduce
the number of cars running the lights. One
study - details below - showed a 69% decrease
in violations when a yellow was increased from 4.0
seconds, to 4.5 seconds. Other studies -
details below - gave similar results, and
also rated engineering countermeasures such as
longer yellows "most effective" in reducing
unintentional running while enforcement, including
cameras, was considered "less effective."
(To see the formal efforts underway to require
longer yellows, read the Expanded version of Defect #
Follow-up Question # 1: What about
"rebound?" Won't drivers get used to the longer
yellows, and resume running the light?
Answer to Follow-up # 1: No, drivers do not
adjust, and the violations stay down, do not
rebound. Numerous sources confirm that.
Here are some -
a. One real
world example is from Fairfax County, Virginia.
This graph shows the 69% decrease noted above,
and that the effect was long-term, with no
rebound in the number of violations.
b. Another real
world example of no rebound is Mesa, Arizona.
Mesa increased the left-turn yellows from three
seconds to four seconds at six photo enforced
intersections, and saw an immediate 2/3 (or more) drop
in the number of violators at each
intersection - which stayed down with no rebound - in
the nine+ years after the change. See the
before-and-after figures in the big table at: City of Mesa
c. More examples of no rebound after an increase
in the length of the yellow:
Mission/Mojave in Fremont
Willow/Bayfront in Menlo Park
Table from Compendium
d. Consider this discussion, by
traffic engineers, in the Electronic National Dialog
on Transportation Operations, and the study they
"Research has consistently shown
that drivers do not, in fact, adapt to the length
of the yellow." [Determining
Vehicle Change Intervals - A Proposed Recommended
Practice", ITE, 1985]
and Rothery reported in 1972 that their research
showed that drivers were 'virtually' certain to stop
if their required deceleration rate was less than 8
feet per second squared [ 0.25 G ]
and virtually certain to continue if the
deceleration rate required was in excess of 12 feet
per second squared [ 0.38 G ]."
[Determining Vehicle Change Intervals - A Proposed
Recommended Practice", ITE, 1985]
Follow-up Question # 2: In my town,
ticketing stayed down for a year or two after they
lengthened some of the yellows, but now ticketing is coming back up.
Answer to Follow-up # 2: If you inquire with
the police, often they will claim that the rise in
ticketing was due to the improving economy.
But the actual cause may have been some changes the
police and/or the camera company made to the camera
system. If you look at the monthly
intersection-by-intersection ticket counts and see a
sudden rise, or a rise at just a few intersections,
or a rise in just one town in a region having many
towns with cameras, that would be consistent with
manipulation of the camera system. A
gradual rise at most or all intersections, or most
cities in a region, would be consistent with
economic improvement.
Follow-up Question # 3: OK, running goes down
(and stays down, no rebound) when you lengthen the
yellow, but do accidents
also go down?
Answer to Follow-up # 3: Lengthening the
yellow also reduces severe accidents. One
source is a 2004
study by the Texas Transportation Institute
(TTI) which found (at page 2-20, see graph below),
"…an increase in the yellow duration of 1.0 second
is associated with an MF [crash frequency] of about
0.6, which corresponds to a 40 percent reduction in
Another source is
more from the Electronic National Dialog: "The average implied deceleration
rate of the group with the highest crash rate was
slightly over 13 feet per second squared
[ 0.41 G ], and the deceleration
rate for the group with the lowest crash rate was
8.5 feet per second squared
[ 0.27 G ]." ["Effect of Clearance
Interval Timing on Traffic Flow and Crashes at
Signalized Intersections,"
Zador/Stein/Shapiro/Tarnoff, ITE Journal, November
2. Another alternative is to improve street markings and the other cues that warn
motorists they are coming to a signal.
Anyone who watches the crash videos
circulated by the Industry will notice that most of
the crashes occur many seconds into the red.
In 2004 the Texas Transportation Institute (TTI),
with sponsorship by the Texas DOT, studied 41 crash
videos obtained from red light cameras and confirmed
what the public was noticing: "With one exception,
all of the right-angle crashes occurred after 5
seconds or more of red." They also reported
that the average was 8.9 seconds into the red.
(Link to the study:
See pages 5-15 and 5-16.)
Those real late runners (5+ secs. late) aren't
doing it on purpose. Recent evidence (FAQ # 22)
is that the majority of violators don't live in
town, so they simply don't know that there's a
signal up ahead. They are lost or distracted,
and by the time they notice that the signal is
there, it is too late to stop.
A minority of the violations are by "locals" who
forgot about the camera up ahead because they were
distracted, or impaired.
Because they won't know or won't remember there's a
camera up ahead, the presence of a camera
won't keep the visitors or the distracted/impaired
locals from making the real late runs. To cut
these real late runs, a city should install visual
cues to make its most dangerous intersections more
prominent and to warn motorists, "signal
ahead." Most of these engineering
countermeasures are cheap and quick to do.
2005 research sponsored by the
Florida Department of Transportation concluded
that improving street markings (painting "signal
ahead" on the pavement) near intersections would
reduce red light running by up to 74
percent. (
Section 3.4, p. 69 of the document, or p. 84
of the pdf.) A large red light camera
study sponsored by the San Diego Police
Department rated engineering countermeasures
such as better markings as "most
effective" in reducing unintentional running,
while enforcement, including cameras, was
considered "less effective." (
Table 6.3, p. 80 of the document, or p. 97 of the
The 2004 TTI study (at
page 5-9, link above) noted that
countermeasures like increasing the diameter
of signal lamps from 8" up to 12"or adding
signal heads had the potential to decrease
crashes by 47 percent. The 2005
Florida research recommended the installation
of a signal pole on the "near" side of
intersections. (The link is
above. See p. 135 of the document, or p.
150 of the pdf.)
The 2004 TTI study (at
page 5-9, link above) noted that adding
backboards (back plates) to the signals had
the potential to decrease crashes by 32
suggests putting up a large and lighted name
sign for the cross street, and larger bulbs in
the street lights, at dangerous intersections.
suggests that if the number and
severity of accidents caused by rolling right
turns on red is high and has not declined
despite the application of photo enforcement,
the city should study its records and videos
to determine when during the red phase
the accidents occurred and then install Blank
Out signs programmed to light up and prohibit
right turns during the high risk portion of
the signal cycle. The Blank Out
sign should display this universal "no
right turn" symbol,
not the English words "no right
Adding visual cues becomes
even more important when the intersection is
missing much of the urban junk - brightly lit gas
stations, crossing overhead utility lines,
commercial signage, bus benches - that helps to
warn us that we are approaching a major
Culver at Farwell in Irvine, CA, site of Jan.
2011 fatal crash.
Aliso Viejo at Grand, Aliso Viejo, CA, site of
July 2012 five-car crash
Rte. 70 looking East, 250' from intersection with
Tara Blvd., Bradenton, Florida, site of Oct. 2003
T-bone crash which killed Mark Wandall and led
to the passage of Florida's Mark Wandall Traffic
Safety Act of 2010. Wandall was a passenger in a
vehicle turning left from Westbound 70 onto Tara,
which was hit by a vehicle proceeding Eastbound on
Rte. 70.
There's an intersection ahead? On South
Street looking West, 200' from intersection with
Delaware Street, site of T-bone crash which killed
one and injured fourteen, on
June 5, 2010, in Indianapolis. See
close-up, below.
Missing limit line paint at South/Delaware,
There's no denying that the clean spare look at the
intersections depicted above is attractive, but if
you don't have the urban junk you need to add and
maintain the other visual cues.
Providing visual cues is also important where
there's too much urban junk competing for
drivers' attention, as seen at the two intersections
pictured below.
Impending crash at St. Georges/Stiles, Linden,
NJ, site of an ATS camera
White arrows point to signals (one of which is almost
lost in the background clutter), which are
ATS published this photo as an example of an accident
caused by a straight-though
runner. But the Linden police found the driver
turning left, not the straight-thru driver, to be at
See discussion on the Industry
PR page.
Reseda Blvd. crossing Oxnard Street, the
Orange Line Busway, a bike path, and Topham Street -
all in 200 feet, with three sets of signals - in Los
Angeles' San Fernando Valley. Site of a camera
operated by the Metro/MTA
Most people who
intentionally run signals do so by just a
small fraction of a second. On the other hand,
the accident
photos (captured by ticket cameras) the
Industry has posted on the 'net show, almost
exclusively, accidents which occurred multiple
seconds after the light turned red - accidents that
most likely were caused by unintentional
running. (Who would deliberately run a signal
by the ten or twenty seconds shown on many of the
Industry's photos?) The preponderance of
photos with long red times among the Industry's
crash photos argues that unintentional running is
more dangerous than intentional running.
Engineering countermeasures such as longer yellows
and better markings are more effective against
unintentional running than is enforcement.
Among the advantages of doing the alternatives above
(engineering countermeasures) are -
(1) A reduction
of red light running by ALL drivers, including
visitors to town and unintentional runners - not
just the "locals" who know that there are cameras
(2) A statistically significant decrease in
the number of severe accidents, without the red
light camera side effect of increased rear-end
accidents. (For more about rear-enders, see
FAQ # 19.)
(3) These alternatives are cheap, so can be
done at all the dangerous intersections in town, not
just a few as with cameras.
(4) Fixing the problematic intersections -
rather than maintaining the status quo and making
money by taking pictures of the carnage - helps to
protect the city against negligence claims arising
from accidents.